People go to the bathroom several times per day, day and night. So imagine the rewards you gain out of applying these following three steps (Sunnah) when using the bathroom!!!
1 ➲ Entering with the left leg and exiting with the right one.
2 ➲ Entrance Du'aa:
"[بِسْمِ اللهِ] اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُْثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ".
[Bismillaahi] Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oothu bika minal-khubthi walkhabaa'ith.
(Before entering) [In the Name of Allah] . (Then) O Allah , I seek refugee in You from Al-Khubth (the male) and Al-Khabaa’ith (female) unclean spirits.
[Al Bukharee, The Book of Ablution, Hadith 142; Muslim, The Book of Menstruation, Hadith 375]
3 ➲ Exit Du'aa:
(Ghufraanaka ~ I ask You (Allah) for forgiveness.)
[Aboo Dawood, The Book of Purification, Hadith 30; At-Tirmidhee, The Book of Purification, Hadith; Ibn Maajah, The Book of Purification and Its Sunan, Hadith 300]
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