There are some Sunnah for Going to The Masjid. The sum of all these sunnahs for a Muslim who practice the five prayers at the Masjid is fifty sunnahs (daily). Imagine the Rewards !!!
1 ➲ Going early for the Prayers
The Prophet (PBUH) said: " if people know how much they could benefit from "al athan" (prayer call) and being among those standing in the first row in their prayers, they would even poll or gamble for it if there is no other way. And if they know how much bounty they get in arriving early to the mosque, they would compete for it. And if they know much beneficence in Al fajr(dawn) and AL 'eshaa(night) prayers they would even go creeping"
[Al Bukharee, The Book of Al-Adhaan, Hadith 615; Muslim, The Book of Prayer, Hadith 437]
2 ➲ The Du'aa (supplication) upon Going to the Masjid
" O Allah, lighten my heart, lighten my speech, lighten my audition, lighten my insight and bless me with light from behind, front, above, under and cover me all with light"
[Muslim, The Book of The Prayer The Traveller and Its Shortening, Hadith 763]
3 ➲ Walking with Solemnity
The Prophet (PBUH) said: " when you hear the call for the prayers; walk to your prayers quietly with solemnity …"
[Al Bukharee, The Book of Al-Adhaan, Hadith 636; Muslim, The Book of Masaajid & The Place for Prayer, Hadith 602]
4 ➲ Going to the Masjid on Foot
Scholars assured that it is a sunnah to shorten your steps swiftly to get more merits out of the number of steps, as the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Do you know what can erase your sins and heighten your faith? They replied: no; he then mentioned some points in addition to " walking to the mosque" …"
[Muslim, The Book of Purification, Hadith 251]
5 ➲ The Du'aa upon Entering the Masjid
Whenever you enter the Masjid address salutation for the Prophet (PBUH) and say : " O Allah, open your gates of mercy for me"
[An-Nasaaeee, The Book of Masaajid, Hadith 728; Ibn Majah, The Book Masaajid & Congregational Prayer, Hadith 771]
6 ➲ Entering the Masjid with the Right Leg
Anas Ibn Malek (may Allah be pleased with him) said : " it is sunnah to enter the Masjid with your right leg and exit with your left leg"
[Mustadarak Al-Haakim, The Book of Al Imaam, The Prayer & Congregation, Hadith 822; He said it's authentic on the conditions set by Imaam Muslim; Ad-Dhahabee agreed with the grading]
7 ➲ The Masjid Salutation Prayer (Tahiyaat Al-Masjid)
"When you enter the Masjid do not sit until you address a two rak'a prayer"
Imam Ash Shafe'ie said: salutation prayer is right even in the non-preferred prayer times.
Al Hafez said: all the scholars agreed that salutation prayer is a true sunnah.
[Al Bukharee, The Book of The Night Prayer, Hadith 1163; Muslim, The Book of The Prayer The Traveller and Its Shortening, Hadith 714]
8 ➲ Proceed the First Row
"if people know how much they could benefit from "al athan" (prayer call) and being among those standing in the first row in their prayers, they would even poll or gamble for it if there is no other way…"
[Al Bukharee, The Book of Al-Adhaan, Hadith 615; Muslim, The Book of Prayer, Hadith 437]
9 ➲ The Du'aa of Exiting the Masjid
"When departing say: O Allah, I ask your donation"
[Muslim, The Book of The Prayer The Traveller and Its Shortening, Hadith 713; Aboo Dawood, The Book of Prayer, Hadith 465]
10 ➲ Exiting with the Left Leg
[Mustadarak Al-Haakim, The Book of Al Imaam, The Prayer & Congregation, Hadith 822; He said it's authentic on the conditions set by Imaam Muslim; Ad-Dhahabee agreed with the grading]
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